Sabtu, 26 November 2011

Tugas Bahasa Indonesia 3 - Resensi Artikel

1.      Data Publikasi
a.      Judul             :  Merawat Bahasa Indonesia.
b.      Penulis          :  SALAHUDDIN WAHID.
c.      Penerbit        :  Surat Kabar Harian KOMPAS.
d.      No / Tgl        : 28 Oktober 2011.
e.      No.Halaman :  7
f.       Tema             :  Sumpah Pemuda.

2.      Sinopsis/Ringkasan
             Artikel ini mengulas isi dari Sumpah Pemuda,khususnya isi Sumpah Pemuda yang ketiga yaitu “Berbahasa satu Bahasa Indonesia”.Menurut isinya Sumpah tersebut bahwa Bangsa Indonesia Berbahasa satu yaitu Bahasa Indonesia,namun banyak hal yang disayangkan dalam hal ini.Banyak pemuda-pemudi Indonesia sudah tidak lagi menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia dengan baik dan benar. Pada awalnya Mr.Mohammad Yamin mengusulkan Bahasa Melayu sebagai Bahasa Nasional ,bukan Bahasa Indonesia.Namun Sanusi Pane menolak hal itu,menurutnya Bahasa Persatuan Bangsa Indonesia adalah Bahasa Indonesia bukan Bahasa Melayu ataupun Bahasa Jawa.Pilihan para pemuda untuk memilih Bahasa Melayu sebagai bahan baku Bahasa Indonesia sangatlah tepat menurut penulis,kebesaran hati para pemuda Jawa yang tidak mengusulkan bahsaa Jawa sebagai Bahasa Indonesia pun patut dihargai.
             Sekarang seiring perkembangan zaman dan kemajuan teknologi yang semakin canggih semakin mendorong dan memojokkan peran Bahasa Indonesia sebagai Bahasa Persatuan.Salah satu faktor yang mengganggu perkembangan Bahasa Indonesia adalah Bahasa Pergaulan.Kalau itu dilakukan dalam bahasa lisan,SMS,Twitter atau dalam pertunjukkan di panggung dan televisi,masih bisa kita pahami.Namun ternyata didalam tugas mahasiswa dan makalah juga digunakan bahasa gaul semacam itu.Bahasa Indonesia telah ditentukan oleh UUD 1945 menjadi bahasa negara.Di beberapa negara,bahasa indonesia telah dipelajari.Namun,tidak berarti bahwa keberadaan keberadaan bahasa indonesia bukan tanpa masalah.
              Pada tahun 2010,kiita membaca berita bahwa banyak ketidaklulusan siswa SMA/MA/SMK dalam ujian nasional disebabkan oleh kegagalan dalam mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia.Karena itu,kita perlu berjuang untuk merawat Bahasa Indonesia sebagai Bahasa Persatuan Bangsa Indonesia.

3.        Keunggulan
Artikel ini sarat akan peringatan untuk kita agar tetap atau kembali menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia dengan baik dan benar.Setidaknya, kita ikut melestarikan dan menjaga agar keberadaan Bahasa Indonesia tetap abadi dan tidak hilang.Hal-hal yang dibahas didalamnya sangat bermanfaat,selain itu menunjukkan keprihatinan sang penuliis bagaimana Bahasa Indonesia yang saat ini mulai terkontaminasi oleh bahasa-bahasa lain.

4.      Kelemahan
Artikel ini kurang menjelaskan tentang bagaimana caranya Berbahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar itu.Artikel ini juga kurang membahas mengenai kelebihan Bahasa Indonesia.Dalam artikel ini,hanya dibahas mengenai butir ketiga saja dalam Sumpah Pemuda.

5.      Pendapat
Artikel yang ditulis oleh Salahuddin Wahid ini sangat bagus dan bermanfaat.Saya sebagai pembaca khususnya sebgai pemuda juga merasa tergelitik hatinya untuk tetap berbahasa indonesia dengan baik dan benar.Sebagai pemuda sudah sepatutnya menjaga kelestarian Bahasa Indonesia kita ini sebagai Bahasa Indonesia.Karena hanya dengan bahasa , kita dapat menunjukkan identitas bangsa kita kepada bangsa lain.Kita juga dapat berbangga karena telah memiliki bahasa persatuan yang menjadi kebudayaan kita juga.Oleh karena itu,kita perlu berjuang untuk menumbuhkan minat baca untuk meningkatkan budaya keberaksaran bangsa.

6.      Lampiran 

Selasa, 01 November 2011

Owl City's Concert

Jeng,,jeng ... mau sedikit mengulas perasaan dan noraknya saya waktu nonton konsernya Owl City . Pertama-tama belom nyampe senayan saya udah kejebak ujan deres plus gede.Udah pesimis bakal ngelewatin opening konser itu teruus khawatir gak bisa liat muka adam dari awal... Untungnya,om Adrie Subono bilang di akun twitternya kalo para penonton gak usah buru2 dateng dan ngelawan ujan,karena Owl City bakal nunda performancenya beberapa saat dan gak mau sampai fansnya sakit...uwaaaaaaa,,,,seneng banget ada berita kayak gitu.Makin ngefans saya sama Adaam..Setelah ngelewatin berbagai perasaan berkecamuk ituu,,akhirnya bisa duduk tenang juga sambil nungguin Adam nongol.And then...Acara pun dimulai,,Yeaaay,,si cantik Breanne Duren yang jadi opening itu muncul keatas panggung.Woow,,dia cantik banget,,ceweek banget gituu..Breanne jalan layaknya putri keraton dan singgahlah dia didepan keyboardnya.Sambil terus memainkan tangannya,dia juga gak berenti tersenyum..Yeay,,dia memperkenalkan dirinya dan bilang Jakarta is a crazy!! :D ,,yaiyallahh,,orang jakarta kan kalo nonton konser pada heboh hahah :p... Breanne pun nyanyiin lagu pertamanya yaitu Catapult,,issshh,,suaranya ituu bikin merinding,,bagus banget,, :)
ini,,foto2 performance Breanne ...

Setelah Breanne selesai dengan 5 lagu sebagai opening dari konser itu,,tibalah saat yang dinanti-nanti sama kurang lebih 5 ribu pasang mata itu..Panggung gelap seketika,,panitia mulai melakukan chek sound untuk yang kesekian kalinya,,mungkin gak mau artis utamanya ada hambatan dalam penampilannya.Setelah semua itu berlalu,satu persatu personel pengiring dalam tour Owl City pun muncul,,penonton histeris sambil berterial "Adaam,,adaam,,adaamm!!",tapi sabar dulu adam masih belom muncul.. Yang muncul baru personel pengiringnya aja..Ini dia mereka yang selalu ikut dalam tournya Owl City.. 
ini namanya Laura Musten ,, dia biolisnya Owl City ...
yang ini,,namanya Daniel Jorgensen..dia mainin Synth ..

ada juga Matthew Decker,,dia drumernya Owl City,,Teruss Hannah Schroeder,dia mainin cello ...

Setelah mereka ber5 tampil,,barulah sang bintang muncul yang sebelumnya diiringi suara burung hantu,,penonton histeris!ADAAAMMM,,muncul juga sambil melambaikan tangan dan langsung ke venue drum,,dia bersiap menggebuk drum dan suasana makin riuh setelah adam menampilkan kepiawaiannya bermain drum.Adaam pun meninggalkan drumnya,dan siap bernyanyi lagu pertamanya,That's kerenn abisss,,Adaam bawain The Real World sebagai lagu pembuka ..
Penampilan Adam emang bisa dibilang sempurna,,kostumnyapun sederhana banget..Tapi yang paling saya suka jeans robeknya itu lho..ohh my god he is so handsome,,he is so great and he is so calm..Thats my type ..hihihi :* :)
Konser terus berlangsung,dari lagu ke lagu .. ini dia gambar2 SI ADAM YOUNG=SI LIONEL MESSI hahah.. enjoy!

Adaam oh Adaaaam,, !!!

Cowok yang 1 tahun ldbih muda dari abang saya ini,udah hebat dari sananya.Otaknya muter terus (yaiyalah) hahah ,,buat bikin lagu2 gak biasa.Lagu2 dia beda dari yang lain,,selain aliran musiknya yang asik dan gak ngebosenin,,isi kagunya juga mencakup smua elemen kehidupan.Contohnya aja Fireflies,Dental Care,Early Birdie,The Technicolor Phase,The Bird and The Worm,Honney And The Bee .. dan masih banyak lagi ..

Dan akhirnya,,sampailah di perpisahan saya dengan Adam.Dia sempet nipu semua penonton dan bilang "nice to meet you,,see you next time guys!"..
Tapi emang dasar masih pada ketagihan,penonton terus berteriak "we want more,we want more,we want moreee!!! " And then,,jeng jeng Adam dan pasukannya balik lagi ke stage dan bawain satu lagu yang bener2 terakhir..yaah...padahal saat itu di tribune saya berharap Adam nipu kita lagi.Gak taunya itu emang bener2 lagu terakhir.If My Heart Was A House jafi lagu penutup,,dan emang pas banget itu lagu kalo jadi lagu perpisahan ... Semua armada Owl City bergabung dan memberi penghormatan terakhir ke seluruh penonton... Iyaaaks,,momen yang paling gak saya suka kalo pas perpisahan kayak gini ... hikks hiks hiks :( :(
 ... But's friday is very awesome for me..cause finally i meet my man :* Adam Young!!

For ADAM YOUNG ,,you must come back to my city .. the city ,,yang kamu bilang "Ilove INDONESIA" ituu .. hohoh...
Thanks for visit my city and meet your all fans in here .. Goodbye and selalu jaga kesehatan yaa.. :)

Adam And his Twins

ini,,tulisan Adam Young tentang dirinya dengan Lionel Messi .. enjoy! :)

My Brother Lionel

Owl City Blog
Sometimes my computer beats me at chess but it’s no match for me at kick boxing. The same goes for my long lost brother Lionel and his Nintendo 64 whenever he plays FIFA ‘98.
My older brother and I were great friends growing up. Amid longwinded bouts of friendly horseplay and brotherly buffoonery, we got ourselves into all sorts of trouble and had the time of our lives doing it — long before YouTube and Facebook were twinkles in the mischievous eye of technology. We’d climb trees, play catch, ride bikes, catch frogs, build forts, dig in Mom’s garden, throw baseballs, break windows, get into mischief, chase cars, shoot off fireworks, spit watermelon seeds, sing songs around the campfire, eat worms, wear cowboy boots, and ultimately orchestrate and/or participate in all forms of tomfoolery until the summer streetlights warmed up and silently clicked on.
Oh man, the memories are endless! We used sneak out at night and throw leaves into the neighbor’s swimming pool, we used to dress up like Bible characters and ride motorcycles around the neighborhood, shouting commandments and cheering at the top of our lungs as our holy robes billowed and trailed wildly behind us. We used to take our bikes off sweet jumps and get three feet of air; we used to pull the rubber grips off Dad’s golf clubs, climb onto the roof during lightning storms and see who could hold up the nine iron longest. Mom and Dad would just smile with their eyes, sigh melodramatically (in a loving way) and merely carp, “Boys will be boys!”
Lionel and I were best buds… until the accident.
You see, back when I was a young impressionable freshman in high school, I tried out for the football team and (to everyone’s horrified surprise) I was elected quarterback. Growing up in a small town is soOoOo cool! We got to put on old moldy shoulder pads and flop around on the field, we hurled footballs in the air and punched each other when the ref was in the bathroom. We did pushups and counted to ten in gruff quasi-masculine prepubescent voices and we maliciously whipped each other with towels and talked about really disgusting things like rotten mattresses and burning termites with magnifying glasses! Those were the days.
Lionel and I remained best friends (as well as brothers) and life seemed to flux and flow like a molten river of thick chunky honey.
One pre-game friday night, Owatonna was about to pwn Rochester and I was strutting up and down the field, turning perfect cartwheels, winking at crammed bleachers of cute girls and occasionally flashing lightning fast “thumbs ups” to congregations of begrudging, irritating, jealous bros. I was young, I was confident, I was wearing a real mesh jersey with YOUNG stamped on the back… life was good.
Rochester’s barefooted kicker stepped out of his shoes and prepared for the punt. The whistle blew like a stinging silver trumpet from Heaven and suddenly the bloated pigskin was aloft.
I remember actually yelling to my teammates over the roaring crowd, “You guys just take it easy, okay? I totally got this one!” as I puffed out my barrel chest like a proud rooster and strode down the field with my skinny fists raised like antennas to heaven. The air was electric. The bleachers were bursting at the seams, everyone was on their feet, all eyes glued on me. The ball sailed through the air like a Russian missile, aimed perfectly for my muscular arms spread wide like a father ready to embrace prodigal son. My teammates grunted encouragingly from the bench, a sea of attractive females squealed, swooned and theatrically fainted, the sweaty marching band looked on with genuine awe, and even the guy selling hotdogs in the parking lot stopped counting his apron full of wadded dollar bills to watch the amazing catch I was about to perfectly execute.
This was going to be a picture perfect moment, real front page material. I hoped the local newspaper guys and their sweet Canons were poised like cobras ready to strike. I turned one last time and flashed the home crowd a thumbs up and a grin of glistening pearly whites; this was going to be the most defining moment of my entire life!
I turned my eagle eyes back to the ball in the sky and suddenly felt a sickly twist of anguish wrench my stomach. It wasn’t there. The football. The stadium style lights beat down on the field like ultraviolet napalm, burning my retinas. My eyes couldn’t focus… I couldn’t locate the ball.
I tried to keep my cool as two thousand riveted people watched in stunned, suspenseful silence, every muscle tensed. I felt my confident youthful sprint falter, hesitate and slow to a heavy awkward trudge. My eyes burned like fire, dazed by the blinding field lights, my senses staggered by my inability to pinpoint the precious leather projectile hurtling toward me at lightning speed. My legs turned to dead weight shipyard iron, my outstretched arms like soggy wet noodles and my shoulder pads became the equivalent mass of a dead elephant on my back. This was not good.
Suddenly everything became HD. My mind emptied of all thoughts like an evacuated building as my spinning world reduced breakneck speed to a grinding slow motion rate of rotation. The scene played out before my eyes at approximately four frames per second. My large saucer eyes shifted to the motionless crowd and there he was.
My dear brother Lionel, clad in turquoise sweatpants (with elastic around the ankles) and a yellow plastic sombrero atop his head, was holding up one of those funny oversized foam hands with the pointer finger up and he was shouting something at the top of his lungs. His mouth moved up and down in slow motion but I squinted my eyes and slowly made out the words, “LOOK UP, IDIOT!”
A sickening moment of dread cascaded over me before the monumental explosion.
Naturally I never saw exactly what occurred but the story would live to be retold a hundred times over throughout my high school years and on into my twenties. Apparently the airborne pigskin rocketed through the atmosphere like a hot shell from an angry mortar, sailed through the sky down the length of the field and bounced off the top of my helmet. Bullzeye! I spun around like a dizzy ignoramus and fell flat on my face. The stunned crowd wasn’t sure if they should laugh or cry. The wonderful thing about this whole story is that I don’t remember any of this actually happening because, of course, I was knocked unconscious and had to be wheeled away on a squeaky gurney… in front of EVERYONE.
I could write a hundred blogs about how embarrassing that day was, but the point here is that Lionel has always been a great brother to me. On that fateful night he tried his best to get my attention and warn me of the impending disaster, and although his warnings were left unnoticed until the last instant, we’re still talking about “the thought that counts,” am I right?
All this to say — I appreciate my dear brother Lionel SO MUCH because no matter what, he’s always there for me… and sometimes he’s there wearing turquoise sweats and a yellow plastic sombrero.
And quite seriously, what more could you ask of a brother?

source :

Jepretan SI ADAM ...

 that's beberapa foto yang diambil Adam Young disela-sela kesibukannya.Ini saya ambil dari blog pribadinya Adam.And the most important,Kakak Adam juga ngambil gambar bendera INDONESIA lhoo..excited banget saya liatnya .. kakak Adam emang cinta kali ya sama INDONESIA ..hahaha ,,soalnya dia beberapa kali bilang "I <3 Indonesia" di akun twitternya ,,teruuus dia juga bilang kalo dia udah nunggu bertahun-tahun buat manggung di INDONESIA .. aaaihhh,,bener2 gak nyesel kemaren saya sempet nonton konsernya :* #big hug for Adaaam  \(^^)/  heheh.. chek this out !!!!

Owl City Blog
Owl City Blog
Up Ship
Owl City Blog
Kookaburra Knockout

Owl City Blog
Gold Coast Swimmers

coba liaaat liaaat ,,ini bendera Merah Putih Jepretan Adaaam :*
Owl City Blog
Owl City Blog
Owl City Blog
Owl City Blog
Owl City Blog
Mr. Roo
Owl City Blog
Owl City Blog
Owl City Blog
Owl City Blog
Sky City
Owl City Blog
Scott Stapp

kereen :*
Owl City Blog
Owl City Blog
like a father like a soon :p
Owl City Blog
Tamborine Mountain

Owl City Blog

I’ll Follow You

On August 22nd, 2011 by Adam Young
It was chilly outside but not the kind that increases with the darkness until you’re so cold that you forget who you’re with or where you’re walking. It was sweatshirt weather; the trick was to keep moving and as far as I was concerned, as long as there was sidewalk ahead, I could’ve kept walking forever. Given the chance, I probably would’ve, but I had a 6AM flight to catch the next morning and the night just didn’t seem long enough.
I spotted her perched on a sidewalk bench under a streetlight and away we strolled.
Melbourne was still a new place to me, bursting with so may intricacies and marvels that my wide eyes undoubtedly labeled me TOURIST to all observant bystanders. But I didn’t mind; the shy smile on my face gave me away. A steady current of city nightlife carried us down several traffic-choked veins before dumping us out onto a winding riverside footpath with front row seats to a shimmering skyline.
It was dazzling, one of those rare occasions in life you wish you could bottle up and refrigerate for later to relive its wonder. The Yarra River pulled fancy dining boats draped in twinkle lights downstream at a lazy pace as hushed laughter and the clinking of crystal spilled out from somewhere onboard. We sat by the water and drank in the evening. A few brave seagulls chose to spend their time on the sidewalk eyeing our ice cream versus hovering over the food court stealing trash or whatever it is they do. Everything in front of my eyes appeared 20% clearer, the night was deep, the world looked brighter than I’d remembered it a few hours before, the dull city ambience hummed clean and pure in my ears and I had to remind myself to keep breathing because it was all too breathtaking. There are moments in life when you find yourself wishing you were somewhere else (for whatever reason, good or bad), but on this night, there was nowhere else on the planet I would’ve rather been. It was flawless. So we kept walking.
Tall stone pillars lined our side of the river and burst big plumes of fire up into the sky on the hour. Over thirty feet away, I could feel the flames warm on my face and it felt good in the brisk night air. I’m a Minnesota boy and she was an Australian girl but we both felt the cold burn in our fingers so we moved on and continued walking. The ornate hotel fountain we found was glorious. How do they get water to jump across the room from one spot to another in perfect streams of green and blue? We explored a treelined avenue washed in soft lavender, a network of garden paths under a heavy scent of flowers — everything seemed to twinkle and sparkle in the low light and it was all so captivating.
I liked the way we both knew the same words but said them so differently. There’s something quite musical about Australian accents, I’ve always thought so.
We slowly made our way back across the bridge, back through the city the way we came, and suddenly we were back where we started, saying shy goodbyes although it felt like we’d only just said hello. And then just like that, she was gone.
In the elevator on the way back up to my room I remember taking a deep breath and thinking, “Wow… I’m never going to forget this night.”

source :

How To Get Over I

On September 12th, 2011 by Adam Young
Of the hundreds of relationships you participate in throughout the course of your roller coaster life — associations of all kind: good/bad, joyful/sad, casual/serious, friendly/hostile, short/long, romantic/heartbreaking and everything in between, there’s always ONE relationship that harrows you like an old wound that refuses to heal. It haunts your mind, frequents your thoughts — maybe because you let it, maybe because you’re reluctant to fight a losing battle when your emotions are swinging like saloon doors on rusty hinges. You live, you breathe, you dream, you repeat — but such austere malady won’t go away and your heart and resolve commit to a constant tug of war, each pulling on one end of your instincts. So you might as well diagnose yourself a royal schizophrenic! Wrestling with your emotions over the dream of someone who still claims so much of your sentiment but is no longer there… well isn’t that lovely.
And so you sit and think.
Owl City Blog
But you CAN’T think about things like this so you distract yourself!
And it actually works.
Wow, I feel better already.
Goodbye now to the breakdown between thought, emotion and behavior. Farewell to faulty perception and inapt actions and feelings. Goodbye to withdrawal from reality and personal relationships into fantasy and delusion. Good riddance to an overwhelming sense of mental fragmentation!
Life is way too short to worry about the past, and I for one, don’t have time for anxiety.
If you need me, I’ll be in my fuzzy turtleneck with a bowl of cereal staring out the kitchen window. I like the way the rain sounds against these old bay windows.

source :